flag of China Iris' China Adventure
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Beijing - Day 5 March 30th

Iris on the Great WallToday we visited the Great Wall. It was cold and foggy. I could only see about 10 feet in front of me. The steps were very steep and uneven in places. It is hard work climbing so after awhile I turned around and went back down. During the walk down at some places I backed down the stairs. I felt like I was going to fall many times.

About 2000 years ago, when China was divided into three kingdoms, construction started on the Great Wall. It was built to keep the Huns, or Mongolians, from invading China from the north.

Iris at the Ming tombsAfter visiting the Great Wall, we stopped to see the Ming Tombs. This is where the emperors were buried. On the pathway where the coffin was carried there are two sets of each type of animal. Two of  them are standing and two are sitting. The animals sit to show respect to the emperor, then once the emperor  passes they stand up again. Example: there are two elephants sitting down, one on either side of the path, after the sitting elephants there are two standing elephants, on either side of the path.

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Copyright 2007 by Iris Parshley