flag of China Iris' China Adventure
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Hangzhou - Day 12 April 6thmy chop

Today we went to the silk museum. We toured the exhibits and learned what the silk was made for, how the silk worms lived, and what part of them were used. Silk worms eat mulberry leaves. We also learned the history of silk. In ancient China people worshiped the silkworm goddess. People found the fiber from the silkworm was thin and firm, providing an excellent fiber for weaving.

west lake restaurantAfter we went to the silk museum we took a walk around West Lake. We also went in to a chop shop. A chop is a stamp made out of stone with your signature on the bottom and your zodiac animal on the top. While we were wandering around the lake Gordon leaned against a pile of ants and got a lot of ants on him. Yikes!

For dinner we went to a restaurant that is one of the best in Hangzhou. It had a beautiful view of West Lake. Sadly we didn't get to have a window seat because the windows are for reservations only.chop

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Copyright 2007 by Iris Parshley